Battle Princess Madelyn Gets an Arcade Mode!

I always look forward to hearing about Battle Princess Madelyn. This throwback to yesteryear has been in development for some time – after a successful Kickstarter, the developer seemed to go dark for a while – making any bit of news about BPM seem exciting.

Causal Bit Games recently announced that BPM was getting an Arcade Mode. It’ll feature the game’s story levels, only with a different layout and style of play; I assume this means no RPG elements and such. The idea, seemingly, was to create a fast-paced experience that harks back to old school titles in a such a way that it separates itself from the base game. It’ll make Battle Princess Madelyn more retro than it already is.

Battle Princess Madelyn will be available for the Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PS Vita, Nintendo Wii U and PC (no 3DS version?). Be sure to check back here as we continue to follow this title!

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