Max Payne 3 DLC Schedule Tweaked Plus Free Content!

Rockstar has announced new details about their upcoming DLC for Max Payne 3. One detail that fans should be excited about is that the new Disorganized Crime Pack will be absolutely free!

The Disorganized Crime Pack will offer new modifiers for Score Attack in Arcade Mode. Explosive Rounds (including explosive rounds where all bullets detonate on impact), Lone Wolf AI more aggressive enemies) and Headshots Only (umm..yea) will spice up the normal gameplay. Gamers will also get a new multiplayer map called Hoboken Rooftops; basically Max’s old stomping grounds.

The other announcement was that instead of having five DLC packs, Rockstar is only releasing three. They’ve consolidated the content into larger packs. For example, the New York Minute Co-Op Pack will be added to the Deathmatch Made in Heaven Mode Pack. Gamers who purchased the Rockstar Pass still get all of the content at a 35% savings, so no worries there. Check out the new schedule:

•         Disorganized Crime Pack: August [Free]

•         Hostage Negotiation Map Pack: September [800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE) or $9.99 (PlayStation Network and PC)]

•         Painful Memories Map Pack: October [800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE) or $9.99 (PlayStation Network and PC)]

•         Deathmatch Made In Heaven Mode Pack: October [800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE) or $9.99 (PlayStation Network and PC)]

The Rockstar Pass is available for 2400 MS Points ($29.99 via PSN/PC). Be sure to check back here as we continue to cover all things gaming!

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