Capcom Reveals the First New Character in SFV!
During EVO 2015, Capcom revealed the first new fighter coming to Street Fighter V. You’ve seen his face before – it flashed on the screen during Ken’s reveal trailer. His name is Necalli and he looks like a serious contender!
Apparently Necalli’s moves have been forged through combat to ensure that he’s inflicting the maximum amount of pain upon his opponents, which is why they look so painful in SFV’s latest trailer. Just who is Necalli and where did he come from? No one knows…well, except Capcom but they aren’t telling fans just yet.
Besides revealing this new character, Capcom also announced that SFV will be the first title in the series sense Street Fighter that won’t have multiple versions. That’s right, all post-launch gameplay related content (balance and system adjustments) will be available for free. Also, any newly released content will be earnable by playing the game. When SFV releases next year, it will launch with 16 characters, including 4 brand new fighters. Capcom will continually add additional characters over time. Those looking to purchase these characters as soon as they’re available can. I’m guessing this would let them play as those character before those who choose to unlock them for free.
For someone who got tired of the Supers and Ultra editions, this is great news. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see if Capcom implements these features in a fair manner; they haven’t done so well in the past. That said, I’m looking forward to playing SFV on the PS4 and/or PC next spring!