Check Out The First Part of Our E3 2018 Recap!
This year’s E3 is full of surprises. Regardless of your tastes in gaming, you’d be hard pressed not to find something to be excited about!
This was especially true when it comes to this year’s pressers – explosive trailers, shocking reveals and exclusive content flooded our news feed. In order to make sense of it all/break down what was shown, we decided to do a podcast series. In the first part, Andre Thomas, Ricardo Benitez, Jaime Mejias Jr. and I share our thoughts on EA, Microsoft, and Bethesda’s press conferences. Feel free to check it out below:
PS: Yes, we’re scum for forgetting to talk about certain games (like Jo-Mei Games’ Sea of Solitude) and the awesome self-reflective Skyrim skit featuring Keegan Michael Key. There was a lot to cover and some stuff fell through the cracks. We’ll do better going forward!