Defiance Goes Free-To-Play!

Trion World announced today that Defiance, their MMO shooter with a crossover television show on SyFy, is now Free-to-Play on PC!

Don’t worry console players, Defiance will also be free-to-play on PS3 and Xbox 360 on July 15th (targeted date). Of course, those who purchase the game will get some bonuses. Not sure if this includes those who bought the game when it released though I’d assume so. Check em out:

●         A grant of 1,000 Arkforge, in-game currency redeemable for resetting weapon mastery, upgrading a weapon’s power rating or even bumping an uncommon weapon to epic rarity.
●        4 Character Slots, 5 Loadouts, up to 75 Ark Keycodes and a minimum 70 Inventory Slots.
●        30 days of Paradise Patron status

Paradise Patrons are granted:
●        Boosts to skill, XP, scrip, salvage and reputation gain rates that stack with the matching boosts available in the store.
●        10% store-wide discount – boosts, costumes, lock boxes, all of it!
●        A grab bag of one-hour boosts or Arkforge from Daily and Weekly Ark Hunter Bonus Lock Boxes.


Defiance the TV show will be returning to television on June 19th. It makes since for Trion to push the game. Hopefully there will be new content that also corresponds with the show added soon!

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Defiance is a fun shooter. I wish it had better core story and less repetitive missions though.  

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