Anomaly 2 is a sequel to the Anomaly Warzone Earth. Also developed by 11 bit studios, this sequel offers the same exciting RTS/Tower Defense hybrid gameplay alongside new game mechanics – including a new multiplayer mode!
Anomaly 2 is Coming to PS4 in September!
Anomaly is coming to (some) consoles...
August 26th, 2014
11 bit Revealed Their Special Anomaly Pre-order Gift!
More pre-order goodies are on the way...
May 9th, 2013
Anomaly 2’s Release Date + Preorder Goodies = Good News!
11 bit is offering a cool incentive to pre-order Anomaly 2!
April 29th, 2013
UFG Goes Hands On With Anomaly 2!
Keeping what worked in the past while adding new features helps make Anomaly 2 worth clamoring for!
March 15th, 2013
11 bit Studios Announces Another Anomaly!
Anomaly fans rejoyce...11 bit studios is making a sequel!
February 28th, 2013
Anomaly 2
Anomaly 2 is great title to add to one’s Steam collection...
June 5th, 2013