Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing game developed by CD Projekt RED (The Witcher series). Based on the renowned Mike Pondsmith’s pen and paper game of the same name, it will be an open world/first person experience that utilizes RED’s latest game engine.
Microsoft Announces Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Xbox One X
CD PROJEKT RED and Microsoft collaborate on limited-edition console.
April 20th, 2020
CD Projekt RED Delays Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk's release has been pushed to September.
January 16th, 2020
CD Projekt RED Releases Cyberpunk Deep Dive Video
Check out new Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay in this Deep Dive video.
August 31st, 2019
Cyberpunk 2077 Gets a Release Date
Looks like we won't have to wait till 2077 to play Cyberpunk.
June 11th, 2019
CD Projekt RED Releases Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Walkthrough
Come check out a 48-minute video showcasing Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay!
August 27th, 2018
CD Projekt RED Announces Their Official Cyberpunk Title!
Cyberpunk's name changes...sort of...
October 18th, 2012
CD Projekt RED/ to Host Another Event!
RED and GOG host another event...
September 25th, 2012
CD Projekt RED Announces Cyberpunk!
CD Projekt RED reveal their next title. Sneak Peak; it has nothing to do with the Witcher!
May 30th, 2012