Game of Thrones is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games; it features the same mechanics made popular but past Telltale titles. Based on the TV series of the same name (which is based on the A Song of Ice and Fire series written by George R. R. Martin), the game runs somewhat concurrent to the show – it starts the night of the Red Wedding.
Telltale Reveals Two New Titles During VGX!
Telltale reveals Borderlands/GoT titles...
December 10th, 2013
Game of Thrones: Episode 1: Iron From Ice
Telltale’s treatment of the series shows how much they care about delivering an authentic experience.
December 16th, 2014
Game of Thrones: Episode 2: The Lost Lords
It’s great to be able to play as multiple characters. My concern though is that each their arcs felt rather short...
February 10th, 2015
Game of Thrones: Episode 3: The Sword in the Darkness
While there is no new playable characters, Telltale finally introduces a fan favorite...
April 2nd, 2015
Game of Thrones: Episode 4: Sons of Winter
Fans of the books, show, and Telltale games in general should find this to be one of the best episodes released.
June 12th, 2015
Game of Thrones: Episode 5: A Nest of Vipers
A Nest of Vipers will make you second guess your decisions - that's a good thing!
August 12th, 2015
Game of Thrones: Episode 6: The Ice Dragon
Telltale did a great job of telling an engrossing tale from beginning to end. The Ice Dragons was the bloody icing on the cake!
December 7th, 2015