Gears 5 is the sixth installment of the Gears of War franchise. Developed by The Coalition, this third person shooter centers on Kait – a Gear with apparent blood ties to the Locust – as she seeks answers about her family/origin of the Locust. Aside from the campaign, Gears 5 will offer a brand new horde mode, a revamped vs. mode(s), a new cooperative experience called Escape and more.
Developed by:The Coalition Published by:Microsoft Genre(s):Third Person Shooter Platform:
Cost:$59.99 ESRB Rating:MATURE Players:1-2 (2-10 Online)
Microsoft Reveals Gears 5 Horde Mode at Gamescom
Microsoft and The Coalition reveal changes coming to Horde mode.
August 21st, 2019
Microsoft E3 2019 Press Event Recap
Microsoft showed off new games, talked about Project Scarlett and more!
June 10th, 2019