GTFO is a cooperative FPS/Survival Horror game. Developed by 10 Chambers Collective, the game tasks players with completing missions while facing hordes of enemies; they are trapped in an underground complex and forced to carry out objectives by an unknown entity called The Warden. Ammo and health items are limited. Meaning, they’ll need to work together/use smart tactics in order to survival the night.

Developed by:10 Chambers Collective Published by:10 Chambers Collective Genre(s):FPS Platform:
ESRB Rating:RATING PENDING Players:2-4 Online

GTFO is Headed to Early Access
GTFO lands on Steam later this month.
December 5th, 2019

UFG Goes Hands on with GTFO (Alpha)
We struggled to survive the horrors found in the GTFO's underground labs.
October 30th, 2019

10 Chambers Releases GTFO Documentary
GTFO, the horror-based FPS, gets the "behind the scenes" treatment!
February 27th, 2019