LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a LEGO themed, action adventure game set in the Marvel Universe. Developed by Traveller’s Tales, LMSH shares most of the gameplay mechanics found in other LEGO titles as well as some newer elements (like stuff pulled from the recent films). It featured over 180 “different” Marvel characters, an entertaining plot, and more!
New Characters Join The LEGO Marvel Cast!
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is getting two new character packs!
December 23rd, 2013
New LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Trailer Released!
Howard the Duck is in the game for crying out loud...
August 21st, 2013
Grab a Sneak Peak at the Heroes in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes!
Marvel Super Heroes and LEGO...coming this Fall!
April 30th, 2013
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Any complaints of mine are minor when placed next to the awesomeness that is everything else.
November 11th, 2013