Road Not Taken is a roguelike, puzzle game developed by Spry Fox. It’s premise is a take on the Robert Frost poem of the same name – it’s all about life’s surprises. In Road Not Taken, players will control a ranger whose job is to rescue lost children during a terrible winter. Due to the random nature of encounters and permadeath, each adventure is different from the next (aping the idea that life is full of surprises, positive and negative).

UFG Goes Hands On With Road Not Taken!
If you’ve been waiting for a new, interesting puzzle game, Road Not Taken could be it.
July 15th, 2014

Road Not Taken is Coming To PS4/PC This August!
An interesting new rougelike puzzler is coming to North America!
June 25th, 2014

Road Not Taken
Good puzzle design, rougelike elements, and an interesting relationship system makes for a fun time.
August 5th, 2014