Super Smash Bros. (Wii U and 3DS) is the fourth title in the Smash series. Co-developed by Sora Ltd. and Bandai Namco Games, it features the biggest roster today – with guest appearances by Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ryu and more – and it’s also the first Smash Bros game to land on a handheld system.

Bayonetta and Corrin Join Super Smash Bros.!
Move over Cloud, Bayonetta is on her way...
December 16th, 2015

Nintendo Reveals New Amiibos Coming This September!
R.O.B is finally getting the respect he deserves!
August 5th, 2015

Nintendo Announces 50 New Things About Super Smash Bros.!
Nintendo shares new info to get fans hype (as if they weren't already) about Super Smash Bros.!
October 24th, 2014

Nintendo Announces Game Inspired 3DS XL Models!
Nintendo Announces Game Inspired 3DS XL Models!
September 10th, 2014

Nintendo’s Amiibos Are Ready to be Pre-Ordered!
Gamers can purchase the first 12 figures to be used in Super Smash Bros for the Wii U!
August 29th, 2014

Nintendo Adds Pac-Man to the SSB Roster!
The nostalgia just bleeds from this game...
June 11th, 2014

Nintendo’s E3 2014 Direct Video Recap!
Nintendo revealed a lot games being released next year!
June 11th, 2014

Nintendo Invites Fans to the Super Smash Bros. Invitational at E3!
The first ever public Smash (Wii U) tournament is upon us!
May 20th, 2014

Nintendo Shares Plans for E3 2014!
Tourneys, Treehouses, Digital Events...oh my!
April 30th, 2014

Nintendo’s First 2014 Direct Video isn’t Too Shabby!
Little Mac, from Punch-Out, joins Smash Bros.!
February 13th, 2014

New Zelda Game, Smash Bros. Reveal And More in New Direct Video!
Nintendo aired Direct video full of surprises!
December 18th, 2013

Super Smash Bros. (3DS)
SSB is a must own title for the portable!
November 18th, 2014

Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)
This is the best version of Super Smash Bros., hands down!
December 16th, 2014