Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is an action title based in the TMNT universe. Developed by PlatinumGames, Mutants in Manhattan features stylish melee combat the developer is known for as well as unique elements afforded by the four Ninja Turtles.
Activision Releases Boss Trailer for TMNT:MiM!
Some of the franchise’s most popular villains make an appearance.
March 17th, 2016
Activision and PlatinumGames Team up for TMNT!
Activision, Nickelodeon and PlatinumGames announce new TMNT title!
January 26th, 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
The game is fun, challenging, and full of nostalgic goodness.
June 17th, 2016