The Walking Dead is an episodic interactive drama adventure/survival horror game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on the comic book series of the same name, season two continues the story of Clementine – one of the main characters from the first season.
Telltale Released Screens From In Harm’s Way!
Telltale releases screens for the TWD Season Two's coming episode!
May 1st, 2014
Telltale Releases a Screenshot of “A House Divided”!
It seems that there are tough times are ahead for Clem and the gang...
February 17th, 2014
Telltale Reveals The Walking Dead: Season Two!
Clementine is back!
October 29th, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 1: All That Remains
I thoroughly enjoyed All That Remains. It literally starts with a bang and never lets up till the end...
December 24th, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 2: A House Divided
The gameplay sill complements the story. The lame shooting could use some work though.
March 12th, 2014
The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 3: In Harm’s Way
Clem’s story, at least from her point of view, is intriguing. And though I do have complaints, they certainly don’t ruin the game for me.
June 5th, 2014
The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 4: Amid The Ruins
Amid the Ruins helped to push the story along in meaningful ways...
August 21st, 2014
The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 5: No Going Back
You know you have a hit on your hands when your fans are anticipating a great follow up moments after finishing your game!
September 7th, 2014