GTA V’s Online Heists Are Here!
Today’s the day people. Rockstar has finally implemented the Heists in GTA Online. In an effort to get everyone caught up on these multi-layered, co-operative missions, Rockstar shared a handy “how to” guide!
For those that don’t know, this is a new mode within GTA Online. Each Heist will have its own story and set of missions that have you interacting with story characters from GTA V. There are a total of five heists, with the first serving as a tutorial for two players.
In order to host a Heist, your character must be Rank 12 or higher and you must own a high-end apartment; don’t worry if you don’t meet these requirements as you can still join up with friends who can host. To Join a Heist as a crew member without an invite, you can select “Play Heist” from the Quick Job menu. After that, Lester will give you a call to set up your first job. Once you complete the setup mission, there will be a brief delay before he calls you again. Just like in the campaign, you’ll continue through each mission in this fashion until you’ve completed the Heist.
One of the most interesting things, beyond the Heist itself, is how the money is divided up. Heist leaders – the one’s hosting the Heist – don’t get any money from the setup missions. They will earn 10% more RP than the other member though. When it comes to the final take, they can assign themselves a larger portion. Hopefully this won’t lead to dissension within your group…
Each Heist will also have its own Elite Challenge and unlocks. Here are some examples:
- First Time – Completing each Heist Finale for the first time, will net you a bonus cash reward
- All In Order Challenge – Complete all Heists in order, including Setups, to receive a $1,000,000 cash bonus
- Loyalty Challenge – Complete all Heists, including Setups, with the same team of players to receive an additional $1,000,000 bonus
- Criminal Mastermind Challenges – rewards players $10,000,000 one-time bonus for completing all 5 Heists in order, including all setups, with the same group of players, without anyone losing a single life on hard difficulty. The one-off bonus challenges are linked to in game awards. You can monitor your award progress via the Stats > Awards tab in the Pause Menu.
As players progress through Heists, new vehicles will become available for players including the Mammoth Hydra Jet, Valkyrie Attack Helicopter, Insurgent with .50 cal mounted machine gun, and more
- Additional new equipment and items will include
o Night Vision Goggles
o Rebreather
o Flare Gun
o New outfits, masks, t-shirt, helmets
Along with the Heists comes multiple updates, Adversary Modes, Daily Objectives, Free Mode Activities and more. Basically, there is a lot more to do in Los Santos!