Katakuri and “Snakeman” to Join One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
Bandai Namco recently revealed more character-based information about One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. That being the introduction of Charlotte Katakuri and Luffy’s Fourth Gear transformation, Snakeman.
Fans of the hit anime/manga should recognize Katakuri as one of the Three Sweet Commanders – elite warriors of the Big Mom Pirates.
He’s actually the strongest Commander. His precognitive ability allows him to see a short period into the future, making him an extremely deadly combatant. So much so, that Luffy had to don a new transformation.
Called Snakeman, Luffy’s latest form is faster than any other. Because of this, he’s able to land attacks on Katakuri – though he sees the future, Katakuri isn’t always fast enough to avoid Luffy’s strikes.
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 seems poised to deliver the same type of beat’em up action as previous titles, new mode(s) notwithstanding. Fans will be able to sail to Whole Cake Island next year on the Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC!