Need for Speed Heat Gets Cross-play
Criterion Games and EA recently announced that Need for Speed Heat would be the first EA title to offer cross-play. Meaning that right now, fans will be able to play with each other across PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
This final Heat update is a solid one. Being able to play with friends across multiple platforms is not only good for the community, it also incentives getting the PC version; those of you who were hesitant to snag it on Steam, can do so now, knowing you won’t be “alone”.
While Need for Speed Heat won’t be getting any more content, that doesn’t mean that Criterion’s done. General Manager Matt Webster explained that the team would is now focusing on developing the next Need for Speed game. “Since the launch of Need for Speed Heat and as players continue to tear it up in Palm City, we’re listening to what you love about this experience, and what you all believe could be even better,” said Matt. “With these insights, we have a terrific foundation to create the most expressive, most socially connected, action-packed game yet for Need for Speed fans and beyond.”
Need for Speed Heat was well received when it was released last year. We thought that the night/day mechanic was interesting and that the game felt fresh despite featuring old gameplay elements. Here’s hoping that the next game will be even better.