
Developed by:Behaviour Interactive Published by:Starbreeze Studios Genre(s):
  • Asymmetrical Horror
  • Platform:
  • Handhelds
  • Microsoft
  • Nintendo
  • PC
  • Sony
  • Cost:$29.99 ESRB Rating:MATURE Players:2-5 (Online) Release date:June 14, 2016 Reviewed on:Switch Definitive Release Date:September 24, 2019

    Dead by Daylight: Definitive Edition

    Dead by Daylight has grown since its release back in 2016. A splattering of survivors, iconic “monsters”, a revamped progressions system – the trappings of Early Access paved the way to some interesting developments. That said, they all pale in comparison to its latest feature. The ability to be played on the go…

    Behaviour Interactive’s asymmetrical survival horror game made its way to the Switch last month. It came feature complete, sporting all of the latest content (paid or otherwise). The load times were negligible. And there was no latency, despite what part of my house I played in. Essentially, Dead by Daylight worked as intended.

    While seemingly not a notable feat, considering some of the larger games already ported to the Switch, Nintendo’s online experience isn’t always solid. Epic Smash matches have been brought to a halt thanks to a dropped rival. And that’s when playing a first party title. I expected much worse for Dead by Daylight. Instead, I got a solid experience.

    That is to say that it played as it does on other platforms. It still suffers from odd game designs and small balancing issues. Where four survivors must not only struggle with repairing multiple generators – used to power exit gates at opposite ends of a map, leading to freedom – but also with exploitable tactics. The killer player can’t outright kill his or her pray. Instead, they are forced to babysit hooked victims, lest they are rescued by a partner before being sacrificed.

    No one enjoys playing against players using exploits or shady tactics. The problem is that most of those things are built into the game/hard to discern from normal play, resulting in moments where a player’s motives are vague. Is this particular killer tunneling – constantly chasing one target while avoiding others – or were they just lucky enough to repeatedly spot the same person?

    A randomized progression and item/skill system helps to negate some of this. Survivors have a batter chance to escape when using equipment; the time it takes to repair a generator is lowered when holding a tool box. Certain perks will allow killers to use their special abilities more often. All of the perks and such are randomized (and eventually reset) in hopes of maintaining some balance.

    The basic mechanics aside, Dead by Daylight still offers some thrills. Playing in handheld mode doesn’t hinder the shock that comes from the sudden appearance of a monster. Especially in the right environment – I recommend playing in the dark with headphones on.

    Visually, the game suffers a bit. On one hand, that’s to be expected. On the other…not so much. The content alone wouldn’t be the cause; there are larger, more involved titles that look great on the Switch. I assume the graphics are in such a state so that the game would run smoothly (which it does). That’s not to say that Dead by Daylight looks terrible. It’s just not as optimized as one would have hoped.

    Survival horror fans should be pleased nonetheless. The game plays well enough to excuse most (if not all) of its shortcomings. Newer players will find an entertaining, yet sometimes frustrating, multiplayer experience. Returning players will enjoy being able to play while on the go. Ultimately, Dead by Daylight has found a new home of the Switch.



    Dead by Daylight plays surprisingly well on the Switch.



    The visuals have taken a noticeable hit.



    The music, effects, and ambient noises sound good.

    Replay Value:


    Mileage will vary; especially after experiencing some of the more annoying game exploits. The gameplay loop is entertaining though.

    Final Score:


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