Saber Plans to Give Gamers Shaq Fu!
Independent developer, Saber Interactive, is offering a free game to anyone who purchased the recently released NBA Playgrounds on the Nintendo Switch. This isn’t just any old sports title being offered though. No sir; fans will be getting Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn when it launches this fall!
There seemed to be a bit of a snag when it came to Playgrounds’ online capabilities – they’ll be implemented with a coming update. Because of this, anyone who purchased the game before the update will get Shaq Fu.
“We had every intention of launching online play for NBA Playgrounds on Nintendo Switch within days of release, but, despite our best efforts, it didn’t play out that way,” said Matthew Karch, CEO of Saber. “We sincerely apologize for the delay and want to let everyone know the fix will be coming very soon. But words are cheap, and games are not. So we’re giving everyone that bought NBA Playgrounds on Nintendo Switch before the online play patch hits a free copy of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn on Switch when it is available this fall to express our gratitude.”
Not only was this a nice gesture from Saber concerning issues with a previously released title, it also tells us that Shaq Fu is still a thing; we personally, haven’t heard much more about the game since it got funded. As a beat’em up fan (and someone who suffered through the original Shaq Fu), I’m looking forward to playing it this fall!
As always, keep it locked here for news on your favorite games. Oh, and be sure to read our review (linked below) of NBA Playgrounds if you haven’t already.