Square Announces Lightning’s Return!
Square Enix announced last night, the return of Lighting. That’s right folks; Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is due out next year!
This new game will be the final chapter to Lightning’s saga. It’ll feature a new story, world, characters, and another “new” gameplay system. So far, no date or console has been announced (it’ll most likely be released for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC). Check out some concept art of what’s to come.
One thing I want to know is what happened to Final Fantasy Versus XIII? Square says it’s still in development even though it was a no show at this year’s E3. If this is the last chapter in Lightning’s story, does that mean she won’t be in FFV XIII? The story didn’t seem to focus on her; although I remember her making a cameo in a trailer of sorts. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Either way, this is good news for FF fans right?