Dragon’s Dogma Demo Coming Soon!
Capcom has confirmed awesome news about Dragon’s Dogma. A demo of the upcoming title will be hitting Xbox Live and PSN soon! Gamers will be able to take on two encounters; one against the deadly Chimera in a prologue quest, and the other against a mighty Griffin. These look to the be the same encounters seen at trade events like E3. To that I say…WHO CARES? We get to play a Dragon’s Dogma Demo!
Want to hear more good news? Gamers who try out the demo will be able to keep their custom created characters. That’s right. The demo allows you to design both your playable character and main Pawn (read ally). Once you have the full copy of Dragon’s Dogma, you can export both of your characters into the game. Awesome!
Dragon’s Dogma releases on May 22 (May 25 in Europe). Be sure to check back with us as we continue to cover this title!