Star Wars: The Old Republic is a MMORPG based in the Star Wars universe. Taking place 300 years after Knights of the Old Republic series and 3500 years before the films, the Jedi find themselves in a rough spot; they’re being held accountable to the rise of the Sith. With over 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue that was performed by several hundred voice actors, BioWare made sure to focus on delivering a good story along with engaging gameplay mechanics.
Developed by:BioWare Published by:EA Genre(s):MMORPG Platform:
Cost:$59.99 ESRB Rating:TEEN Players:Many Online
EA Makes Star Wars: The Old Republic Free-to-Play!
The inevitable has happened, but that's not a bad thing...
July 31st, 2012
EA’s 2012 E3 Press Conference Recap!
Even with all the social media stuff, the show was carried on the shoulders of EA’s titles...
June 6th, 2012
The Old Republic Get’s New Update!
BioWare has revealed the first game update, Rise of the Rakghouls, for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
January 12th, 2012
BioWare In Guinness!
BioWare focus on story has landed them in Guinness.
January 5th, 2012