The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is the seconnd installment of The Dark Pictures Anthology series of intense, standalone horror games. Developed by Supermassive Games, each part of the series will act as a stand alone horror game – with some connecting elements like The Curator, the omnipresent observer – that tasks players with guiding a cast of characters through a traumatizing event. This time, players will don the shoes of five high school students who become trapped in Little Hope – an American Town known for Witch Hunting – after a bus crash.
Supermassive Delays The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope’s Release
Little Hope's release has been pushed to Fall 2020.
June 12th, 2020
Supermassive Releases the Little Hope Dev Diary #1
Take a brief look at Little Hope, the next instalment of The Dark Pictures Anthology.
May 6th, 2020