Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic adventure game based on the Borderlands series. Developed by Telltale Games (via a licence agreement with Gearbox and 2K Games), the game features mechanics made popular by previous Telltale titles.
Telltale/Gearbox Talk Tales from the Borderlands at SXSW!
Telltale and Gearbox answer questions about Tales From the Borderlands.
March 10th, 2014
Telltale Reveals Two New Titles During VGX!
Telltale reveals Borderlands/GoT titles...
December 10th, 2013
Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 1: Zer0 Sum
Telltale and Gearbox delivered a captivating premier episode.
December 6th, 2014
Tales From the Borderlands: Episode 2: Atlas Mugged
Beyond the decision making aspects, Atlas Mugged is funny, well-paced, and provides fans with more nods to the past games.
April 6th, 2015
Tales From the Borderlands: Episode 3: Catch a Ride
Like the other episodes, underutilized story threads didn’t derail my enjoyment of "Catch a Ride".
July 16th, 2015
Tales From the Borderlands Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
Tales From the Borderlands isn’t as great as some of Telltale's other titles (for different reasons), it's still has become one of my favorite Telltale games.
August 24th, 2015
Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
I honestly enjoyed every second of “The Vault of the Traveler”...
November 4th, 2015